
Saturday, December 24, 2016

in ancient roman time wood fires underneath structure heated most palace.Ancient romans used fire wood to heat walls and floor ,In so heating in Ancient time takes many turn through wood burning inside houses without  exhaust  people  constantly  fought the fumes of wood later in so proper exhausts where invented.Also to note mud filled clay on ship where used to freeze cargo.It was wet during cold nights and ships developed a sort of ice making.Also to note where the oldest fans where used and cut holes through the floor bringing up air into next room carrier later developed the air conditioner dew point humidity vapor to cool air.Wood burned in so weighs the same and when its not consumed by fire.The gas of wood weighs just as much as the wood.Also to note cloth was used during hot days the drapes where wet so cool air progressed into home.Another form of air conditioner in Older times.As so clay was used in windows to bring in cold air and cool home.Ancient air-conditioning system where far different in ancient times but in theory the same as todays.Using in itself its same principals.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

input output system know this as so cannot in turn know it which is inside.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

rotation of most angles is formed by mostly horizontal diagonal as so all upward angles are the same the finish angles in so an idea can come into the mechanical formulation system as so the drafting of new angles are to form different views on looking at dimensional axes.So in turn different functions of the most complex nature are virtually simplistic and foreign dimensional axes are usually those that form into the cycle of art.So in to flourish into a functioning cycle.Even so all upward angles can through and turn in house in which so it is about the same when looking through a system angle.In so mathematics 3 dimensional math might bring 4 dimensional math which in turn is very complex.In so 3 dimensional draft offer so much as so we could bring this into a system draft.But as so geometric mathematics call for all the dimensional draft to flourish into a simple system a home.If so it seems impossible but very acute in its thinking.If so in turn brings withing a certain type of vector of seeing things like in so many have the physical equation written out in its philosophy.Just as so taking a test and getting all the write answers.In so it turn philosophy into mathematical practice.Just imagine math philosophy which in turn you have gotten the answer by predicting the moral 2.5 /  3 odds.Just as though gambling through computation to computation otherwise there would be no Luck.Never has there been anything weird proven 3 dimensional math 4 dimensional math i in so understand that this is only a system of impulse electric which form its mathematical quantum philosophy.Which in turn leaves the matrix of numbers and theories.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Vector bundles might therefore exist only for a transformer.even and inspite of quantam mechanics we have in theory logic which predicts it.therefore to read about it you have abetter understand of hunt for red october than you would only come to grasp with basic principals involved in some kind of living entity that controls the transformer in math structure.Math therefore not becoming a practice but a very good study instrument.Yes indeed we have transformed electric in this way.But in so in wrong err we have constructed a human computer reasoning with math is not always the issue the mathematics involved would beckon Godel to transform his theory of Universes living side by side.In so your vector your side per say is only the tool in which the human model lives it is a tool brought by the vector to reason not with godels theory of the universe but in so an invention.Yes an invention a vector transformer in the human sense you would not know.Think this through a trillion or billion Numbers are they real?Are you owning the transformer function is to affirm in a orthogonal instinct.Ortho for the greek word correct and gonal for the word for corner.My theory is that it might cause some fault in order to accumulate this vector.In order for orthogonal practical science.Yes indeed a practical orthogonal science.In the hunt for red october you have direction no point of reference.No point of discussion.No teaching No fault.In so there mechanics must carry the fault of accumulation in order to function as so.After all we are in a certain vector space.Even is so we cannot prove we are in the space in which we are.Not logical quantum mechanic.Quite an Unorthdox science.After all it probably does not exist.A transformer for in so must fall below the calculation state vectors and wave forms.In so religion is not a science but in so to allow something that the human mind to understand is only something that would not function otherwise would benefit.In theory a human might insist that it will vanish.Like a chained man in a world of free so these sound in the state vectors are as real as the vectors in which they live.Just like salmon fish oil is a signal we do not pic up therefore these signals do not exist there we dont know them.Think fault if so can be proven fact and anti fact,If there fore logic will predict even godel like mapping out a galaxy or the stars and doing it again from scratch.Since in so a transformers must be added.Like as so a tool a shut door to the eternal signals.A fault is in aligned in so the stars predicts.But in so man water is the only grounding device that exist.Grounded just like touching a puddle that entered into home from rain.In in so function can also be written a a theory assumed by Godel.A second chance only out smart the first one.But in so man has this capability not logic or math.Practice in turn or rather study>Quantum Mechanics therefore is the study of there logic of an impulse which in turn is unknown transformer which creates more assimilated logic for the practicing mathematician.Your probably saying can you ground by though by touching a puddle a computer world with a transformer that will indeed be never known.In so man greatness will confound our logic.To make this system latch lock patent.very smart and very dumb yes indeed a transformer lock.If we think it is in so we have connected all principals to correctness not very hard to do.It as so grounds three in order to comprehend.Saying the same three times as so word can in turn comprehend word AKA as so found a tongue in which we could find truth to Understand Must take movement so great that betrayal.Just as a assassin uses parrilla to kill.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

if you do not ask many question you will never learns hvacr. Learning hvacr systems must be based on question in order to work steady and be a benefit to the company.a good journeyman should have client based addition.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016

high voltage filters in duct systems collects dust and creates more fresh air quality.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

either system fills the heating requirements so it to say that a system must not have this as an issue before it.As requirements vary update and home improvements are added on many in so cost the home owner a new furnace.But in so clean air is always a system management issue.As a Guest Home,Garage or sun room attic up space.Work to avid Noise.Noise is a bad problem for heating systems furnaces and boilers an so technological in nature will give you a quiet Home.
horizontal systems that cross are a warning.Just as though to boiling points meet.Just as thou horizontal system in electric plaster wires are dangerous.Radiators take this technology and use use to heat home yes danger is a warning and so we have technology.
friction loss in heat exchange constant loss.Friction loss in compressor.Friction loss Humidifier.Friction loss between two different elevations even so in turn pumps have friction loss.High above pumping through its system to purify the water.Heat will also shrink it with loss.wood and gas systems are wired differently.But In so it seems down flow through direct current is at fault.
prescriptions and also be written for a good hepa filter and anti mite spray.
Always check with a professional whether your system Furnace gas hot air or electric is on.Many residential HVACR save many lives while unknowing your system could be serviced filters changed magnetic or otherwise.Even so many people have not known there Fridge is on or in correct working order or rather could be up rated.Static electric some in so heat towns yes one static charge will start a generator and fuel a town.Ventilation need upgrading or otherwise because in so manuals an so the schematics of the system cost or indeed are upgraded.System schematics an manuals or are indeed very good support your project an so you will not fail.Learn about it and it would make a good reference.Boiling point heating points.Heat should be at minimal heat for best capacity manufactured warranty to take effect.Condensation and water points pipe damage can very Good.Magnetic high voltage filters are good also and new technology and HVACR site are very interesting and a fast growing industry.Adjust in so winter months that can possibly get done during summer for always a good winter.Just Like in so a microwave oven burns while in a outlet just about the same as being on un-plug the system so save hundreds on electric.Never in so  as a HVACR Technician helper i am against it for it has to cut a foundation beam.But in so you could find an easy way to structure your home better.Gas bias cost are usually unchecked.Just as electric is paid for while being the outlet and off.So too it general cost is too expensive.